Monday 1 March 2021


Last week for our home-learning we had to write a Karakia, also known as a prayer. We had to write a prayer where we drop off a few words, here is a example;
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know I am
Be still

What's a prayer? A prayer is a way to communicate or talk with God. One example is a prayer Jesus taught us called 'The lord's prayer'. It goes like this; Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our trespasses (sins), as we forgive those who trepass (sin) against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.

Name two reasons why a person might choose to pray. One of my reasons is because a person might want to be closer to God and Jesus, as I said before prayer is a way to communicate/talk with God. My second reason is because a person may choose to pray if the are traveling. Many people pray when they are on trips overseas, they pray when they travel because they are asking for God's protection as they travel.

Where can you pray? My answer is pratically anywhere! From your bedroom to the beach, to the backyard and even in a airport! You can pray anywhere, anytime.

I enjoyed writing our prayer. The part I enjoyed most is decorating it. I loved how the triangles turned out in my prayer. 

I didn't find anything hard. This was supposed to be due last week, oops! I am trying very hard to complete my home-learning, the reason why I can't keep up is because along my home-learning, I also have homework I need to finish at home and also because I have to pratice my piano pieces!

Where would you pray? Would you pray in your backyard? Your kitchen? The beach? Please tell me in the comments!

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