Wednesday 31 March 2021

The Easter Story

 For the past few days, my class was learning to summarise and make links between our paragraphs. Our task for our reading and writing was to summarise/retell the story of Easter. First we had to choose a partner to work with. After we had to write down our script. We had to write the events in order, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
After we wrote our script, we made little puppets. We first colored them in, then we cut them out and taped them on little popsicle sticks. After we made our puppets, we recorded a screencastify with our puppets. 
I enjoyed making the puppets and recording my version of the Easter story, although it took 2 days or so.
It was a bit hard to read, record and move the puppets at the same time. The most challenging bit was that we had to re-do it so many times! There were also instances where we forgot to un-pause it and ended up making mistakes, which resulted in us re-doing our recording multiple times.
Do you know the story of easter? How do you celebrate easter with your Whanau? Tell me in the comments!
Here is me and my partner's version of the story of Easter!

March Reflection

 Today I was doing my March Reflection for this month. We had to share what we enjoyed about March, and some things we were proud of. 
I enjoyed sharing what I achieved  this month. I also enjoyed customizing the background so it looked like what I wanted it to look like.
I found finding the 'Golden line' tricky, because there were so many amazing sentences to choose from!
My digital learning object shows that I can embed google drawings into this blog post.

What were you proud of in March? Tell me in the comments!

Friday 26 March 2021

Te Kuri a Paoa

 For the past few days, we were learning about Kiwa and Paoa through art. When Paoa and Kiwa came to Gisborne, they thought young Nick's head looked like Paoa's dog, so they named young Nick's head Te Kuri a Paoa.  When captain Cook came, he saw young Nick's head over Nick's head so he named it Young Nick's head because he saw young Nick's head over Nick's head! 
We also were learning to blend pastels. We blended pastels because we needed some of the shades that we didn't have. We also learnt about showing movement through our pastel strokes, like for the fur and for the night sky.
You can read my reflection in my slide deck!
Do you know how to blend pastels? How many times did you think I said 'Young Nick's head' or 'Nicks head? Count them all up and tell me in the comments!

Thursday 18 March 2021

Goal setting Term 1

Today I was learning to set goals. Our teacher gave us two sets of slides and we worked on them together as a class. We have learning heroes for our Learning disposition goal, we had to choose a subject to get better on, then we had to choose one of the learning heroes to be like in order to achieve that goal. The learning heroes came from the Horouta Waka.
I enjoyed writing my goals. I also enjoyed setting my goals because my teacher taught me it's good for me to drive my own learning!
I found it a bit tricky to choose a learning hero, because they were all amazing and I wanted to be like all of them. In the end I settled on Hinehakirirangi because she perseveres.
My digital learning object shows that I can embed my slides into my blog. 
What are some of your goals? Who would be your learning hero?

My favourite sport

 Today for cybersmart I was learning how to use mote. Mote records audio for our google slides. We first had to make two blank slides, then we had to insert a picture of our favourite sport, then write a few sentences about that sport on the second slide. After that, we went back onto the first slide and designed a cover. Then, we used mote to record our voices and we put the audio on the slides.
I enjoyed today's cybersmart session. I also enjoyed playing around with mote and recording my voice.
I found it a bit tricky to record my voice, because there was a lot of background noise and also because lots of people were also recording the same time as I did.
My digital learning object shows that I can record an audio clip and embed it into my slides.
Have you used mote before? Do you know how to record an audio clip? Please tell me in the comments!

Friday 12 March 2021

Favorite Piece Of Clothing

 For the past few weeks, my class was writing about our favorite piece of clothing from our childhood.
My learning intention was using a metaphor, and my sucess criteria was to use a simile and turn that simile into a metaphor.
For our favorite piece of clothing, we first read from a person called 'Maddison' then we followed her template for our own piece of writing. The first paragraph had to described what our favorite piece of clothing looked like. The second paragraph was about what we did with it, what happened with it, and finally, where it is now.
I enjoyed writing about my favorite piece of clothing. My favorite piece of clothing was a purple floral dress. I also enjoyed publishing it on canva. I found picking a background tricky because there were so many options!My digital learning object shows that I can publish my writing on canva.
What's your favorite piece of clothing from your childhood? Tell me in the comments!

Wednesday 10 March 2021

February Reflection

 Today we were reflecting on last month. We had to say what we enjoyed doing in February, like what we enjoyed in writing, and reading. We also had to talk about the Special Projects we did in February. We talked about our math goals, and what we were confident in. We talked about our special projects we did in February. One of the special projects were rat and possum traps.
I enjoyed  writing about what I enjoyed in February, especially writing about what I enjoyed writing!
We were just a bit late on reflecting. I found remebering how many points we had in February hard, because I'm a bit forgetful! 

Thursday 4 March 2021

Favorite toy

Today and Yesterday, my class was learning how to describe. My succes criteria was using metaphors. Metaphors are similar to similes but instead of 'like' or 'as' we replaced them with 'is'. I thought I didn't have any metaphors, but I actually had one! We first read a story from a person called Yasmin, then we used her template and wrote about our own favorite toy. The title had to be our toy's name. Then the first paragraph had to describe what our toy looked like.
Then, on the second paragraph we had to write what did we do with our toy when we were little and where it is now.
We used canva to publish our stories.
It was a bit tricky to use canva, but my one of my amazing, skilled classmates helped me along with some past experience with similar programs, I managed to finish it quite quickly.
I enjoyed using canva and trying something something new. I enjoyed writing about my favorite toy; Chocolate. I also enjoyed sharing with others what I'd done with him over the past few years.
My digital learning object shows that I can make a poster using canva.

What is your favorite toy? Is it a teddy? Perhaps a toy car or doll? What did you do with your toy when you were little? Tell me in the comments, I'd be delighted to read them!

Here is my writing!

What takeaways do boys and girls prefer in room 1?

For the past few weeks, I was learning how to gather, sort and display multivariate data. My class was gathering information for our graphs. We had to ask everyone and it took a bit of time. We first had to ask everyone, and we had to use tally-marks to gather our information. Then, we put the information we gathered on google sheets. Then, we made a graph with the help of a few tutorials. I found out that more girls in room 1 like pizza than boys.
I found finishing this in time a bit tricky. I also found that asking everyone personally was a bit tricky, and it took me a few days. Making the graph was a bit confusing but with the help of one of my amazing classmates, who helped me through a tutorial, I got it done.
I enjoyed seeing what takeaways people prefer in my class. I also enjoyed making the graph, even though it was a bit tricky.
My digital learning object shows that I can make a graph with google sheets.



Tuesday 2 March 2021

My culture and me

 2 weeks ago for home learning, we had to write about our cultures and ourselves. We had to tell where we came from, what are some of our family traditions and what is our culture. We could choose from a varitey of google tools to present our information such as google slides, google docs, and google drawings. I chose google slides, because I think that google slides was the best google tool to use for this project.

I enjoyed sharing to others about my culture, where I come from, and some of my family's traditions. I also enjoyed making the slides because I got to experiment with fonts and colors.
I didn't find anything tricky, just time once again. This was supposed to be due 2 weeks ago! I am trying my best to finish everything my teacher tells me to in time!

What culture are you from? Can you tell me some of your traditions as a family? Please answer all my questions in the comments!

Plastic facts

This week for reading we were making connections between what we read. I made some connections but not many because I did not relate much, unfortunately. We were also learning about how plastic pollutes our world. We had to read three articles and watch three videos. Everytime we came across a wow fact, we put the fact on our JamBoard.
After that we had to make a GIF containing one fact per frame. First, we had to make a slide deck with one wow fact from the JamBoard on each slide, and we had to have 5-7 slides with wow facts before we could make our GIF.

It was a bit sad that we had to write about how plastic pollutes our oceans, because I have a passion for nature and animals. I felt sad that we had to write about how plastic is polluting our oceansbecause of that. Other than that, I quite enjoyed This week's reading session.
I didn't find anything really hard or tricky. As I said, it was just a bit sad that we had to write about how plastic is polluting our oceans. Other than that, everything went well.
My digital learning object shows that I can make a GIF using tall tweets.

Do you have any facts about plastic you know that I did not include in my GIF? If you do, please tell me in the comments so I can make my GIF better!

Monday 1 March 2021


Last week for our home-learning we had to write a Karakia, also known as a prayer. We had to write a prayer where we drop off a few words, here is a example;
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know I am
Be still

What's a prayer? A prayer is a way to communicate or talk with God. One example is a prayer Jesus taught us called 'The lord's prayer'. It goes like this; Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our trespasses (sins), as we forgive those who trepass (sin) against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.

Name two reasons why a person might choose to pray. One of my reasons is because a person might want to be closer to God and Jesus, as I said before prayer is a way to communicate/talk with God. My second reason is because a person may choose to pray if the are traveling. Many people pray when they are on trips overseas, they pray when they travel because they are asking for God's protection as they travel.

Where can you pray? My answer is pratically anywhere! From your bedroom to the beach, to the backyard and even in a airport! You can pray anywhere, anytime.

I enjoyed writing our prayer. The part I enjoyed most is decorating it. I loved how the triangles turned out in my prayer. 

I didn't find anything hard. This was supposed to be due last week, oops! I am trying very hard to complete my home-learning, the reason why I can't keep up is because along my home-learning, I also have homework I need to finish at home and also because I have to pratice my piano pieces!

Where would you pray? Would you pray in your backyard? Your kitchen? The beach? Please tell me in the comments!

Who dunnit? Crime scene

Last week I was doing a crime scene with a group. We had a crime scene bag containing, a fibre sample, white powder from the crime scene, fingerprints, and a note. We had a booklet containing suspects and police information. We had to idenitfy what fingerprint they had,what fibre they were wearing and if they had to do anything with powders, and what their handwriting looked like. We had four suspects; Cecil, Chole, Connor and Carrie. We decided between 2 suspects; Chole and Cecil.
We decided it was Chole because, the white powder provided in the crime scene bag had a similar effect compared to washing powder that was in the experiment box.

The booklet containing police information on the suspects said that Chole was a cleaner, so it made sense that a cleaner would use washing powder. The fibre sample provided in the crime scene bag was like the sheepskin, also provided in the experiment box. The fingerprint provided in the crime scene bag was a arch finger print, in the booklet that contained the police information on the suspects, Chole had the same fingerprint because we used a magnifying glass to zoom in on the fingerprint. The handwriting was the exact same, because once agaain, the information provided in the booklet and the magnifying glass backed up our hypothesis.

I enjoyed doing the crime scene with our group. I especially enjoyed the way we worked together as detectives to solve the crime scene. 
I didn't really find anything tricky or hard. Just that the class was a bit noisy. Because of that, I couldn't really hear my group that well.

Do you think that you can solve a crime scene? If so, what do you think your chances are in solving a crime scene similar to what my class did? Please tell me in the comments!