Friday 28 May 2021

Maths Challenge!

 This week for my group's math challenge, we had to figure out what numbers do we put in each of the circles, so the calculations were correct. The numbers we had to use were 1~8.

My teacher told my group that there were two ways to solve this problem. It took a lot of perserverance for me to figure out both ways, but I managed with solving the problems with both ways because I didn't give up and I kept experimenting!

I enjoyed figuring out the problem, althought it took lots of perserverance and patience!

Here is the challenge! Can you figure out both ways?

May reflection

Today I was doing my May Reflection. It was nearing the end of May, so we had to reflect on this month. For the reading section, we had to say what books we have been reading on our own, and what type of reader we would recommend the book to. For maths we had to say what we were confident with, and what we need to pratice ( times tables, division, etc.).

This month, we also did lots of coding with beebots and mircobits. We had to say what we found easy, and what we found tricky.
We also have written a trivia for people to answer! Can you answer all these questions without looking at the answers? 

Friday 21 May 2021

Museum of Technology

 On Monday my class went to the Museum of Technology. Some of my classmate's parents came as volunteers. When we arrived, we had to get in groups with a parent and together in our groups, we had a scavenger hunt where we had to find old bits of technology and record them down on a booklet.

There were many things we saw such as: Farming machines, Hospital equipment, cameras, hearing aides, toys, soap, military vehicles, fire trucks, gaming controlers, radios, record players, water pumps, school buses, TV's, computers, cars and much more!

I found the scavenger hunt tricky because there were so many sections in the museum we had to go to in order to find the technology that was listed on the booklet, and also because we had to write down where it was found!

I enjoyed looking at all the technology the museum provided! I also enjoyed doing the scavenger hunt, even though it was a little bit tricky.

I made a collage of the photos that my teacher and some of the parent helpers took!
Here is my collage!

Thursday 20 May 2021


For the past few days, my group was learning how to analyse and synthesise. We read 3 articles, and watched 1 video. For our task, we had to choose an invention, make a timeline and make a prototype for the future.
I enjoyed making my prototype. I also enjoyed designing it, and adding lots of perks to my prototype in hopes this could help change people's lives.

I found thinking about the prototype a bit tricky because I didn't think about one thing, so I went back to add the idea, then I thought about another idea, and I went back to write it down and this kept repeating until I was satisfied with my prototype.

What do you think of my prototype? Please give me some suggestions in the comments!


Jesus's Ascension

 Yesterday for Religous Education, my class was learning about Jesus's ascension. We learnt that Jesus acsended to heaven to sit by God's right hand and he told his disciples to spread the good news.
Our teacher told us that we had to make a picture of Jesus ascending into heaven on google drawings. She told us that we could use the explore tool to find photos or we could create Jesus ascending from scratch (Using the shape tool, line tool, etc.). 

I created my Jesus from sratch, and it was really tricky because I had to figure out what shapes to use to form his body, what shapes for his hair, and the most trickiest part was that I had to draw his beard and his smile!
I enjoyed making my Jesus because I could experiment with the shapes and colors! I also enjoyed learning about Jesus's ascension.

Here is the google drawing!                     54

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Past, and Present

 Today for cybersmart, we learnt about copyright and the past. Our cybersmart teacher, Mrs Torrie gave us a deck a slides for us to work on. On 3 slides, Mrs Torrie put a photo of a past decive, (Phone, computer etc.) and we had to put in a modern day photo next to the past photo. There were also two blank slides for us to choose what to photos to put on it.

I found finding the right photos tricky because on the TV slide, when I searched up TV it came up with past TV's!
I enjoyed customizing the last two slides because you got to put whatever past and present photo you wanted!

Here are my slides!

Friday 14 May 2021

Aurora Writing - Hook

 For the past few days, my group was learning how to use a hook to hook a reader in with our writing. We had to write just an introduction, so that is why the writing you will see below is not finished.
We first had to write the introduction/hook for our recount, then we had peer assesment. Peer assesment is when you have someone your age/close to your age do your assesment for you.

We also had a learning intention that guided us on how to hook the reader in. My learning intention was using onomatopoeia (sound), dialogue (talking), short, sharp sentences, and to describe the setting.
I think I did well with most of my learning intention, except for short, sharp sentences. My next goal is to master short, sharp sentences.

For our peer assesment, we had to read our writing to eachother and then we had to give our peer two medals and a mission. The two medals and a mission was based on our learning intention.
I enjoyed writing the introduction to my recount. I also enjoyed learning how to hook the reader and make them interested in my writing.

I found finishing my writing and peer assesment in time, because I wasn't here one day so I had to catch up! In the end, I ended up finishing my writing in time!

Did my writing hook you in? If not, please give me some tips in the comments so I can improve my writing!

Here is my writing!

Hopping out of my silver Ford, I saw Leyla walk out of her Nanna’s car.
“Hi Camille!” “Um hi..” “Are you excited?” “Um kind of” “Uh do you want a mint?”

“Okay.” The two of us walked to the huge, white church. Along the way, we stepped on crisp,

autumn leaves. Crunch, crunch. As we entered the large church, we ran up the wooden stairs.


 For the past few days, my class was learning how to program BeeBots! Firstly, we had to put down all the numbers on the floor, then we turned on our BeeBots so that their eyes were flashing! We took steps to estimate how many steps we might need for the code,  once we guessed the distance between the start point and the number we wrote them down. Then, we put the code we had written down into to the BeeBot and this programmed our BeeBots!

I enjoyed coding the BeeBots! The BeeBots were great fun for our class, and we learnt how to code with the BeeBots. 
I found counting the right steps a bit tricky. The BeeBots took really small steps, so I had to shuffle my feet to make sure the steps were right! Also, sometimes the BeeBots collided!

Here is a picture of a BeeBot!

Thursday 13 May 2021

Sign Language Week!

For the past few days, my group was learning how to analyse and synthesise. Analyse and synthesise means putting ideas and info together, and talk about the connections you made. We were also learning to sign our names in Sign Language, and record it on screencastify. We first read 3 articles, then watched 3 videos. There was also a link to a fingerspelling poster to guide us on how to sign the letters for our names.
I enjoyed making the screencastify. I really liked signing my name and showing other people how to sign my name.

I found it a bit tricky to record my screencastify, because there was a motorcycle in the background which made a really loud noise!
My digital learning object shows that I can embed a video into this blogpost.
Do you know how to sign your name in Sign Language? If not, here is a fingerspelling poster to help you! I used this fingerspelling poster to help me sign my name in the video you'll see below! It helped me lots, so I hope this poster will help you as much as it helped me!

Here is me signing my name!

Thursday 6 May 2021


 For the past few days, my class was learning about ANZAC day for our reading. My group had to read 4 stories and watch two videos, to gather information for our activity. Our activity was to write a post card and a diary entry from the perspective of the soldiers. Some of us used google tools, (Google slides, Google docs etc.) and some of us wrote our postcards and diary entries on paper. I choose to do it on paper because it would be more realistic.
I enjoyed learning about the ANZAC's, and reading and watching about them. I learnt a lot from the stories and videos.

I found finishing my postcard hard, because I wanted to make the postcard look like a real one, which took a few days but the final product looks nice.
My digital object shows that I can embed photo's into my blog posts.
Do you think my postcard looks realistic? If not, please leave some tips in the comments!
Here is my post card and diary entry!

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Sign of the Cross

 This week, my class was making slides and screencastify's on how to make the Sign of the Cross for the  5 year-olds in our school, and for kids all over Aotearoa. There are many options of how to teach 5 year-olds to make the sign of the Cross, you could  also work in pairs. 
I found it tricky to use my left hand, because when you upload your screencastify it will mirror the image so you have to use your left hand so the little 5 year-olds can copy.

I enjoyed making the slides. I love helping people, and I hope people can use these slides to learn from!
Do you know how to do the sign of the cross? If not, maybe you can use these slides I made to help you!
Here are the slides!