Tuesday 31 August 2021

Diluc Drawing

 Yesterday I was drawing at my bubble to entertain myself. I drew Diluc from Genshin impact, which is a game. 

Here is a little bit of Diluc’s backstory. Diluc had a father. His name was Master Crepus. One day when it was raining very hard, he and his father found a boy with blue hair, drenched. The boy’s name was Kaeya. Kaeya said “My father told me he would get me some grape juice, but it’s been over 5 hours and he hasn’t returned.”

Master Crepus and Diluc took Kaeya in. Kaeya was now Diluc’s adopted brother. They would play all day together! But one day, a ferocious monster attacked Diluc’s home, which was a winery called “Dawn Winery” his father, Master Crepus used all his power and might to defend his sons. In the end, the monster ran away but Master Crepus’s power had backfired on him. This meant that Master Crepus was deceased.

That is just a little about Diluc’s backstory. 

I enjoyed drawing Diluc. I enjoyed drawing his hair the most. He was one of the first males I have drawn in my sketchbook.

I found drawing the details on his coat tricky. They were fine and very small. Drawing the folds were also a small challenge.

Here is a picture of my drawing!

Cicada Animation

 Today for lockdown learning, we were doing reading. In reading we were learning how to apply knowledge. 

Today my class was reading about cicadas. Cicada’s are insects and they are like aphids. They suck out fluids from young twigs of trees and some woody bushes.

Our task was to create a scratch game about cicada’s talking to each other, put facts on a slide deck or make an animation. I chose the animation, but it’s not really like an animation, so I would label this as my way of applying knowledge.

I found drawing the cicadas enjoyable. I also enjoyed reading and learning about cicadas. I also really enjoyed making them talk to each other in facts.

I found drawing the head of the cicadas a little tricky. They have (in my opinion) a quite complex head because they have 5 eyes. They have 2 of them being really bold and noticeable, while the others are quite small, so I didn’t draw them on.

Do you enjoy my drawings? Please tell me in the comments!

Here is the video of cicadas talking to each other in facts!

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Teddy Bear Picnic

 Today for one of our tasks during lockdown was to do a outdoor challenge. We got to choose a outdoor challenge on the poster. The outdoor challenge I chose was to host a teddy bear picnic!

I enjoyed setting up the picnic and inviting all my stuffed animal friends. They also really enjoyed eating the yummy food! 

The grass was a bit damp outside today, so I couldn’t really put a blanket outside. Instead of hosting the picnic outside, I hosted it inside near the glass door so me, my brothers, and our stuffed animal friends could still enjoy the sunshine.

Here is a video of our inside teddy picnic!

Maui Magic Jawbone

Today for reading, my class was learning how to present. We were watching a video about Maui and his magic jawbone given to him by his grandfather.

The video tells us that Maui obtained this jawbone by hiding his grandfathers kai/food from him. Maui wanted his grandfather’s magical jawbone and did this everyday until his grandfather gave into hunger and gave Maui his magic jawbone. 

One of the tasks were to draw Maui’s magic jawbone. I enjoyed drawing Maui’s magic jawbone. I really enjoyed drawing the rope and the small details. I enjoyed the shading and adding shadows.

I found drawing the shape of the jawbone a little tricky because there were many different ways to draw Maui’s magic jawbone. 

Here is the drawing!

Friday 20 August 2021

Habitat for Animal

 Today for one of our lockdown tasks was to create a habitat for an animal. I chose the animal, us humans! The habitat that is shown is based off of a Chinese festival habitat. 

I enjoyed creating the habitat. I really liked adding the trees and toy stand in the background. There is more to the habitat, so tell me in the comments if you would like to see the rest of it!

I found taking the screenshot a bit tricky. This was on my chrome book without a keyboard so it was a little trickier. In the end my brother showed me how to take a screenshot without the keyboard.

The app I used to make this habitat was Genshin Impact. 

Here is the screenshot!

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Mary Assumption word cloud

Since there has been a new COVID-19 case in the Auckland region recently, the whole of New Zealand went into lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19 furthermore. 

Today my class had a google meet to continue our learning at school. Our teacher showed us what to do. We had 3 tasks a day to complete, and the one I am blogging right now is religious education.

In religious education in my class, we were learning about the assumption of Mary. This is when Mary died. God thought Mary was a very special woman because she said “yes” to God. She said “yes” because she agreed that she would bear God’s only son, our savior and lord, Jesus. 

So, when Mary died, both her body and soul would go up into heaven, just like Jesus, her son. The task was to create a word cloud. This word cloud could include words like “Assumption”, “Heaven”, Mary” and many other words.

I found creating the word cloud great fun. I liked that I got to choose the colors and words I could add into my word cloud. I also enjoyed that it was simple and not very complicated. This was the site I used to create my word cloud.


I found thinking of words a little tricky. There we’re lots of great words, but I simply could not think of much. Other than that, there was nothing more challenging.

Here is my word art!

Thursday 12 August 2021

Lisa Carrington

For the past few days, my writing group was learning how to link paragraphs. The whole class had to choose a New Zealand athlete to write a report about. We first had to write some quick facts about our athlete, such as their name, date of birth etc.

Then after that,we had to write about their life and career. We had to put in what school they went to, their family, their hobbies and more.

After that we had to write about what sport they did and the sport's origins. The sport my athlete did was kayak / canoe sprint. My writing will tell you more about the sport.

I enjoyed writing the report about my athlete. The athlete I chose was Lisa Carrington. I also enjoyed looking up facts about her.

I found linking my paragraphs tricky. I did not really understand and I have not linked paragraphs before, so this was new learning for me.

Click here to read my report about Lisa Carrington! 

Here is my success criteria.


 For the past few weeks, my class in reading was learning to summarise. Summarising is when you tell the main point in your own words, but in a shorter version. 

Because of our Rongoa garden (Healing Garden) in our school, my class was learning about healing plants. We had to read 4 articles and watch 1 video. Doing this, we found out a lot of facts about rongoa. Then, after that the whole class had to choose 1 native healing plant such as kowhai, kawakawa, etc.

For our task, we had to design a sign with some of the medicinal properties of the plant we chose. The plant I chose was a Koromiko. My sign will tell you more about the Koromiko.

I enjoyed creating the sign and designing it. It was really enjoyable. I also enjoyed finding and learning lots of facts about the Koromiko. This further strengthened my knowledge. Like they say, 'knowledge is power!'

The bit I found tricky the most was learning how a Koromiko poultice is made. I had to go on various sites to try to find out how to make the poultice! In the end, a book my teacher had helped me. It is called 'The Meaning of Trees' by Robert Vennell.

Here is my sign!

Thursday 5 August 2021


 This week for reading, my class was learning how to skim and scan. To skim and scan you have to skim to a specific piece of information, and scan the text.

Because of the Olympics, we were reading about Japan. Japan is a part of Asia, and it's neighbour's with North and South Korea. Japan is surrounded with lots, and lots of ocean. Japan is a series of islands called an archipelago. 

My class had to make slides about Japan. We read some articles, and watched some videos, and searched the web for information about Japan.

I found finding facts and creating the slides enjoyable. The slide I enjoyed creating the most was the food slide. I knew some facts about the food in Japan, so I shared this knowledge with my friends.

I found finishing the slides in time tricky. I could not finish these slides because as a House Captain, I had other duties to attend to, and I did not have a device at home to work on.

Here are my slides!

Report Writing

 For the past few days I was learning how to know when to use simple, compound and complex sentences. Our teacher said that we had to choose a native New Zealand animal to write about. It could be extinct or alive. One group was learning to paragraph, and the other group was learning when to use simple, compound and complex sentences in our writing.

I enjoyed writing a report about the Tuatara. The part I liked writing about the most was probably what it eats! It wowed me on how Tuatara sometimes eat their own young!

I found using complex sentences very tricky. I could not think of any that would fit in the areas of my Tuatara report. Next time I will try to include more complex sentences in my writing.

The animal I chose was a Tuatara. It is a native reptile to New Zealand, and it is related to the dinosaurs! I will tell you more about the Tuatara in my report. 

Click here to see my report!